I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Search Continues

Dear Diary,

The search for a stall continues and I realised that it can be quite stressful. I know it is not easy but I never expected it to be this difficult. Well, perhaps it is not as difficult as I am portraying it to be. Maybe I am putting the stress on myself voluntarily. Searching for a stall makes me realised how careful I have been nowadays. I have viewed three stalls altogether and I did not make any quick decisions. I did my homework and I did not rush myself to make decisions.

What happened in Kuala Lumpur taught me things that I will never learnt anywhere else. I am more careful and wise now. I did not allow myself to become too excited about things. Whenever I viewed a stall, I give myself three days to think to let the logic sinks in. It works like that you know. I can make sound decision about this business. I am not like before when I got too excited over a business idea and got myself involved in it without doing my homework first. I had two failed businesses when I was in Kuala Lumpur. I also made a few wrong decisions there. I supposed those days are history now but it can happen again if I let myself become careless. 

I am not sure how long will I take to find a stall that suits my needs. I am feeling the stress actually but I am calming myself. I am ignoring my worrisome self. I am tired of working in the warehouse Diary. I simply cannot wait to start the business. Oh well...I have to stop now. I will talk to you soon. 

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