I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tired Sunday

Dear Diary,

It is Sunday and I am working. I had a choice not to come today but I chose to come as I need extra income to save for the stall. I am exhausted but I know I have responsibilities to meet and a dream to achieve. As much as I needed the rest, I too need the money. Mom and dad have been asking me about my job. Perhaps they realised I have been working so hard and I am hardly at home. Yes, I have to admit I have been spending less time at home. The warehouse has become my second home. I spend more time at the warehouse than at home. 

This weekend, I do not get a chance to make calls to enquire about the available food stalls for rent. I have made a list of all the stalls. I simply need to call and make arrangements to view. The money I have is slowly increasing by month. I have not been updating the proposal. Time is really not on my side. I get so tired by the time I reached home and the only things to do are the shower and sleep. My knees are beginning to feel like jelly, my feet hurt especially the balls of my feet. My back are so tense that I can really feel the ease when I lay down. Every morning when I wake up, I cannot really stand straight on my feet because my feet would hurt. I have to give my feet some time before I am able to walk normally. I suppose these are the things I have to endure to reach for my goals. 

I have to put on hold the things I want to buy because I know my priority is the business. Whatever extra money I have, I save it. All I can afford to do is to watch my friends go for holiday and shop. I always tell myself better time will come for me if I simply stay discipline to save and focus on the plan. Well, we get the chicken by hatching the eggs not by smashing them. As long as I can, I will stay focus, humble, patient and strong-willed. My parents have come to know about my plans. They have not said anything to indicate that they are agaisnt it. Although they do not show any excitement at least I know they do not disapprove my idea. I know I am blessed because I know I am doing this for my parents. I love them so much. 

When the time comes I will either make it or break it. I believe I will make it. InsyaAllah. Please God, make things easier for me. Amin....

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