I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Not So Busy Tuesday

Dear diary,

Today is not a busy day. It was hard for me to get out of bed but I managed and all went well. I did not take lunch today as I rushed to the hawker centre to take a peek at the lunch crowd. I was only there for a short while. I did not stay long so my judgement was based on that short period I was there. 

I am still deciding if I should take up the stall. Many things are going on in my mind right now. I think about the salaries I have to pay, about the daily sales, about the rent and most of all about surviving. I have done some rough mental calculations on the sales forecast and I know how much I need to make daily to sustain the business. The question is, can I?

When cash is scarce, I have to be choosy and careful. I do not want to repeat histories. I have learnt from my mistakes. Business is a risk, I cannot change that. But, I can change that risk into a calculated one. I have failed too many times to fail again. I cannot afford to have another failure in my life. 

Diary...I know you are just something that I write to. Deep down inside my heart, I believe somehow you know how I feel. I want this so much but you know I cannot afford to make wrong decision anymore. I have to ask Him for directions. I supposed He knows best.

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