I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Throw The Garbage Out

Dear Diary,

If you have a facebook account, who would be your friends? I have about 180 friends in my friends list and I have to admit that I do not personally know them by hard. I only know them by names and some even by nicknames. The thing is, they are people I know from chatting online. Some of them I have not even met. They are not strangers though. Although most of them are online friends, I have known some of them for at least more than five years while some remain casual friends. 

I have not done any major spring cleaning of the friends list in my facebook account as I do not see the need to do that until recently. I deleted this 'friend' whom I do not even know. Like I said earlier, most of them I know by only their names. This particular self pity girl is pathetic and that is why I removed her. 

Long story short, I simply do not fancy somene who likes to post suicidal status that only shows how weak in the heart you are. For crying out loud, if you wanna die, by all means die but please do not post such status simply to attract attention and sympathy. Five days of suicidal statuses and you are still alive? What the fuck was that? And it was all because of a break up. Get serious. Go get a life you low life moron. 

Call me heartless? Looking at her pattern of status update, she deserves it. I finally got rid of one pathetic loser who got so broken over a break up. 

To hell with that love. It is everywhere, go find another, stupid. 

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