I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No Time For Love

Dear Diary,

I was on sick leave on Monday and Tuesday. I came back to work today and guess what, I had to do overtime as usual. This is the thing about my job, working late is simply inevitable. I finished work 15 mins to 11 and I took the cab home. I have tendered my resignation. My last day will be on the last working day of February. Keeping myself busy with work leaves me with no or very little time about love. It is good in some ways. I guess it is better like this. 

The stall hunting is ongoing and I think I have found myself liking one stall. I have not viewed it yet but I have spoken to the owner. I am planning to view it this Sunday. I am beginning to feel a slight pressure nowadays. It is hard to describe. It is like I want to start the business so much but I cannot deny that I am also afraid. There are simply many things to do and to think about. I am putting everything into it. Sometimes I cannot believe I am making my dreams come true. But of course, it is not going to be all rainbows and butterflies. I suppose that is what I am afraid of; the pressure, the stress and the tensions. But it is for my own good isn't it Diary? I mean this is all I ever wanted. Success does not come easy. If success were easy, everybody would be successful easily right Diary? 

Oh welll Diary, I guess now is the time for me to find good, reliable and supportive staffs. They are after all the backbone of this business Inam building. Got to go now, catch you later.

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